Animals are such interesting creatures. My cat Maggie are having a slight disagreement over her food. I want to feed her as much as she will eat - - she is so very small - - the last time I tried to weigh her I believe she was only 4 pounds. So I will keep feeding her as long as she eats it.
But after I have given her food for about three - maybe four times, she may not finish what is in her dish. But she still comes to me - mewing as though she wants more food. I go, see food still in her dish - point to it and tell her, she has to eat all of it. She looks at though she doesn't understand. I'll even take my finger, move the food around a little in the dish - and tell her she must eat it before she gets anything more. She still plays 'dumb'. I have left her several times - - all this is over an hour or more period of time.
I went out to my balcony, read some, went and got a little tomato to eat - - Maggie following me all the time - crying. She had not eaten the food yet. I was ready to go to bed - and going to the kitchen to turn out the light, I saw her dish was empty. I exclaimed about how good she was - and got the flavor I knew she liked and gave it to her. She immediately 'pounced' on this new dish of food, eating it as though she had not been fed in days.
She understood all along what I was saying - - and trying, like a young child - to get her way without 'cleaning up her plate'. She finally 'gave up' and did what she had understood. Isn't it amazing what these animals can understand - - and pretend to not know what you want.
This type of incident has happened several times. I wonder when she will decide not to wait so long - - and will do what I tell her to do. I think she really enjoyed the game.