Thursday, April 28, 2011

Ducks & ducklings

I just saw my first family of ducklings - - mama was chasing them across the grass from near the apartments into our lake - they were running - down the bank into the water. There is a little bank - - I couldn't see them - - but I saw the ripples - - then one came up out of the water = and 2 more then 4 and finally ten - - but mama was still in the water, swimming in and out - - then she climbed the bank and turned around - - 2 more ducklings came - - and as she waddled toward the flock, another little one climber the bank - - I think that makes 12 or 13 - - I'll have to catch them again and recount.. Unfortunately they were so far away I couldn't get a picture - - but I will.

In the back ground is this picture - - no sunlight - but a wonderful sight of dozens and dozens of white-flowered trees.We get very little sunshine - - but the trees are beautiful anyway. So here they are.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Geese

Spring ! ! It is coming ! The geese have returned. And I hope the attached photo shows 2 of them - - the male standing tall guarding the female while she eats. Then later I saw the female standing tall while the male ate. The there came a flotilla of 4 geese - in the lake approaching where the pair was feeding. I heard a single honk. The male immediately lifted his head. Together they watched. When one, then two of the lake geese climbed on land, this original pair walked slowly - together - as a pair - - advancing on the invaders. The invaders now numbered 4 on the grass. The original pair slowly approached - - honking loudly - - the first of the invaders began to run - - the female followed him. The male continued toward the remaining . Then one jumped back in the water. The other two began to run - - but now both male and female were after them. They too fled in the water. The original pair stood there - watching - - as the 4 invaders swam away. When the distance seemed enough, the female began to feed again on the grass while the male stood guard.

This was an amazing interlude of watching I was privileged to see. I've never before been far enough away so as to not disturb the action - - nor taken the time to continue to watch the encounter.

What a gift that was this morning. I hope you can see the one picture of the female eating while the male is standing guard.

Enough for my spring-time observing. Hope you enjoyed it. Live. Me.