Thursday, January 6, 2011

Getting old

A Plain Dealer columnist, Regina Brett just brought forth a new idea - - and it gave me ideas and a new purpose for living. She wrote: "Calendar busts myths on aging." and she continues "Growing old is not for sissies.

I just recognized the difference - - I'm not 'old'; I just getting 'older'. And aren't we all - - you and the person near you right now- - and the baby in the stroller. We're all 'getting older' - which sounds so positive. It means to me that life has not ended - - it continues to move on - - and I'd better move on with it. I wonder how anyone else feels about 'getting older'? A fifteen older would relish the idea! - a 39 year older never wants to be 40. But at 89 - - why not relish the idea of getting older - - and do something about it - - in a positive sense. New Years resolution - - "What's fun - and great about getting older?"

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Woman 'Eve' Bible Study

Bible Study - Wednesday, Jan. 12 at 1:30- 3:00 - at the Renaissance Senior Community;
26376 John Rd. Olmsted Township; (south of 480 just off 252 going south toward Olmsted Falls.) Call me for further details .

if you wish one - not required!

Anyone who is interested and can come to this Jan 12 class about 'Eve'. - - - -

I have a 'homework' I think you will like to get ready for the class Jan.12, about Eve.

See me in the church narthex, following the 11:00 service. I have several different Bibles for you to choose from - - so you may explore further - this account of Eve and Adam.

Come - - sign out one of the Bibles - -whichever one you choose - - and bring it back when you come to the class on Jan.9.

Bring your own Bible, also. Reading - - Genesis, chapt. 1 and 2 will also get you prepared.

See you on Wednesday ! Hallie