Wednesday, June 2, 2010



This Morning's Plain Dealer included - in the column 'OPINION' an editorial published in the NY Times. titled "One Cell Forward".

The article writes about a scientist who has created a 'synthetic cell' which might lead to the creation of artificial life. This possibility brings out many diverse feelings within me.

First - we were created with intelligence and called to use this intelligence. We are continuing to do so.
Second - we were created to have wisdom in all that we do.

Question: Are we called to use wisdom in the way in which intelligence functions?
If we don't do it, someone else - so why stop?
Who controls the intelligence and wisdom of this artificial creation of a human being?

For me, these questions keep returning - - but, I really do not have an answer to the questions. It does frighten me when I think of all the variation of potential possibilities.

Perhaps people were also frightened by the possibility of air-flight - of humans flying in the air.
(seeing what airlines are doing these days - maybe we should have been more frightened!).
'If GOD intended us to fly God would have given us wings' - - this was the kind of comment common in those days.

But an artificial human being? Are we trying to be like GOD? Or are we just exercising the intelligence which GOD gave us?

What do you think?


  1. I agree 100% with you grandma. I can't read the article because it's too small, but I think we got the jist of it form your text. Along these same lines is that of cloning. NOT GOOD! We have no business creating what only God creates. He made us in His own image so we could be like Him. These scientists are messing with what only God should. We were created with a mind whose purpose is to serve God...who knows what the purpose of these "people" will be.

    Thanks for sharing, but it's scary where life is headed. Our Savior is coming back soon!

  2. Artificial human being! that scares me.

