Sunday, May 30, 2010

Memorial Day

This is Sunday of Memorial Day weekend - - - it brings so many memories - - of so many wars - - I remember Dec.7, 1940 - - I was in college - - Pearl Harbor ? ? Where is THAT ? It is part of the US? I never learned that - - no one ever told me there was a Pearl Harbor.

Then came Korea, and Vietnam, and Kuwait, and Afghanistan and Iraq - - and ? How I pray there not be any more.

We take our physically best young people, our mentally best - -put them in uniform - - and then send them out where our 'enemy' can shoot at them! It is insane !

Thousands of years ago the Bible tells us of the history where people took their most treasured child - usually the oldest - - and sacrificed them on an altar to God. These people were then told - - do not bring children - - an animal will do just as well.

Thousands of years later we still take our most treasured of children and send them off to a place where they might be killed. Will we never learn? There must be another way - without killing - - to settle differences of opinion - -to assure the safety - even the smallest one of the countries. THERE HAS TO BE ANOTHER WAY - - - WHEN WILL WE LEARN IT ?

I had the privilege to know, honor, and love two of these wonderful service men - - one who endured the Bataan Death March - plus 5 years in prison camp. The other on an LST took part in landings in Africa (Remember - Rommel?) - and Italy, and southern France - - then on to the Pacific to Iwo Jima and Okinawa - -and on and on.

To these men and so many more men and women I give my greatest respect and honor them today.
However I would pray and pray and pray that we - - as nations in this one world - - learn to settle our differences in some more civilized way.

God said "Stop sacrificing people to worship - -or to any other cause (my addition)". Let us listen - - with our hearts and minds and souls.

That's my 'preaching' for today. I feel deeply about it - as you may have noticed. But people - all people - of every nation or race or 'whatever' are God's creation. We need to respect this more than we do.

With deepest respect and caring and love, Hallie.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful tribute to our veterans and service men and women!
